Privacy Policy

Procriar values the protection and confidentiality of personal data. We offer our users the opportunity to unsubscribe from our email lists by selecting the ‘Unsubscribe’ option at the bottom of the emails.

Procriar will use the personal data of our customers/users only for the purpose for which permission was given.

Procriar will not sell, lend or otherwise commercialise personal information collected online or offline.

Procriar’s security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and improved. Only duly authorised persons have access to the information provided by our users.

Procriar will not share personal data with other persons/entities unless explicit consent to share is given by the holder of the personal data; all information will be kept confidential.

Procriar’s security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and improved. Only duly authorised persons have access to the information provided by our users.

Procriar’s databases are located in the European Union.

When visitors leave comments on the site, the data contained in the comment form is saved, as well as the IP address and browser user agent, to help with spam detection.

Receiving information from Procriar and access to information and rectification of data
If you wish to stop receiving emails from Procriar, you can do so by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any email. Alternatively write to us at: Procriar – Centro de Obstetrícia e Medicina da Reprodução do Porto | Avenida da Boavista, N.º 1243, 5.º. 4100-13 Porto. Portugal

Personal data subjects have the right to request a copy of the information stored at Procriar. They also have the right to access, rectify, update and delete the data collected. They should do so by contacting Procriar by e-mail: or in writing to:

Procriar – Centro de Obstetrícia e Medicina da Reprodução do Porto | Avenida da Boavista, N.º 1243, 5.º. 4100-13 Porto. Portugal

Purpose for which Procriar collects personal data
Procriar only collects the personal data necessary to fulfil a specific purpose requested by the data subject (or a third party).

They only process this data in the following situations:

  • If the data subject explicitly gives their permission
  • Or, if it is necessary to process the data in order to provide a service that the data subject has requested
  • Or, if Procriar is legally obliged to process the data
  • Or, if processing is necessary for reasons of public interest or for a legitimate purpose

How does Procriar process personal data?
Data about people who are minors and sensitive personal data (e.g. health information or bank account numbers) are always treated as confidential and are never made public. The data is only used for the purpose requested by the data subject (unless we are dealing with one of the hypotheses mentioned in the paragraph above).

Does Procriar keep my personal data secure?
Data is processed securely. We therefore use various technologies and security measures to protect data against unauthorised access, use, loss or publication. These technologies and measures are tested regularly and updated if necessary.

What can I do with my own personal data?
If you wish, you can update any of your contact details by sending an e-mail to You have the right to be ‘forgotten’. To request the right to be forgotten, please contact Procriar. If you consider that your data has been handled incorrectly, you can send a complaint to the CNPD.

Cookie policy
Cookies are used on the Procriar website to ensure an appropriate user experience. The information obtained has no other use. A cookie is a piece of information that is automatically placed on the hard discs of users’ computers when they access certain websites. Websites only use cookies during a session, namely to save the language, unit, type of access device and to present questionnaires.

The process of collecting data through cookies is carried out in accordance with standardised security procedures and practices for this type of tool. In addition to these cookies, Google Analytics cookies are used to record statistical data on the flow of visits and their characteristics. The cookies set by Google Analytics send data only to the server where the domain is installed, which makes them the property of that domain. This data cannot be altered or retrieved by any service or by another domain.

The information obtained through these means does not allow any relationship to be established at the level of users’ IP addresses for the purpose of verifying personal data. Further information on data collection by Google Analytics can be found at

Contact us
The entity responsible for processing your personal data, under the applicable data privacy legislation and in relation to the processing of personal information, is:

Procriar – Porto Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Centre

Avenida da Boavista, N.º 1243, 5.º

4100-13 Porto


If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact us at the above address or by e-mail at

Procriar’s Data Protection Officer is Sandra Neto, whose email address is